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Working at Open Space

Be Mentally Fit with the Always Program


Always  Program

The aim of our Always program is to provide you with education and confidence to become more mentally fit and be proactive in being self-aware of your mental state and provide you with education on Mental Fitness support competencies to support others. 


Always encompasses the following 10 core Mental Fitness competencies;

  • Self-Awareness

  • Emotional regulation

  • Stress Management

  • Cognitive flexibility

  • Positive thinking

  • Resilience

  • Self-Care

  • Early Intervention support for others in crisis

  • Referral and resources available to help self and others

  • Strategies to help with Tough conversations

....  And is divided into five distinct but interlinked modules and within each there are a number of sections that include: 

Videos... to give you a bit of information and Interviews from people with real lived experiences who will share their stories in a positive way.

Articles... to take your knowledge a little deeper; and

Activities and quizzes... to think about and attempt as you progress.


Learning Modules

Module 1- Mental Fitness Awareness

Focuses on poor mental fitness and provides an awareness of some of the challenges we may face in our lives and encourage those around you to feel confident in discussing mental fitness.


Module 2- Investing in You

Focuses on you the individual and what you can do to make sure you are doing the best you can to look after yourself so you lead a healthy and active life and so you can be there for others when needed.


Module 3- Early Intervention support for others in crisis

This module covers 1st responder early intervention and support for others in crisis by presenting a straightforward strategy using the word “CRISIS” to aid individuals in crisis. We also look at the importance of debriefing for the 1st responder.


Module 4- Referral and Resources to help self and others

This module provides knowledge and information on types of referrals you can timely seek for the most common illnesses likely to be confronted with.


Module 5- Strategies to help with Tough Conversations

With this module we talk about managing tough conversations so you can be a better communicator and more importantly a better listener to help people struggling with their mental fitness.


The program will take you anywhere between 3-10 hours to complete (depending on how you like to learn), and your progress is saved so you can come back to where you left off at any time.


After completing the Always program, if you would like to become internationally recognised and acknowledged, we invite you to become certified as a Mental Fitness Star or Mental Fitness Champion.


To become certified you will need to pay a certification fee of $250-00 and sit an online 20 question multiple choice exam. You need to get %100 (but don't) worry you can have as many attempts as needed!


​​In keeping true to our values, our Always Program is available and delivered in written and voice over audio format so you can listen as well as read the learning content.



Become certified after finishing the Always program 

For Business, Groups and Community

We also offer time efficient certification Training and workshops

Delivered via online platforms or face to face, these sessions are an alternative to traditional mental health programs.

  • Create emotionally intelligent, safe and supportive workplace cultures!

  • Empower your workplace, group or community!

  • Improve employee retention, boost morale with employees feeling supported and listened to!

Talk to us about tailored programs for you and your team.

Happy Girl Texting

Need assistance or have any questions?

Connect with us today and let us help you invest in you and those you support.

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